Monday, July 06, 2009

Will It Ever End

I guess by now everyone thinks that I will never get finished. I have
to admit that I was one of those for a while. This whole thing with my
medical just won't stop. As I said in a previous post, I'll explain
more later. To make it all even worse, I now have to take the written
test again now because it is only good for 2 years and as of May 30,
my 2 years were up. So now I have had to dig up all of my study
materials and begin that process again.

On a side note, for anyone who is getting ready for their written
test, there is a great tool for you to use on the web. The URL is and it is a wonderful resource of all of the questions on the written test that can be timed and graded. I highly recommend that you have the actual printed supplement because you do have to measure distances, angles and so forth that you just can't do on a screen.

To get over the extra added work I now have to do, I finally found
time to go fly on July 3rd. I can't go early in the morning anymore
because I have a job where I have to go into the office everyday. I
could go in late and get away with it but I just laid off for a month.
The biggest reason I need to go in the morning is that it is
summertime in Texas and it has been anywhere from 100 to 103 for the high temps lately. With our cap that is in place to cause the high temps, you have to get up to about 5,000 feet to get any relief.

When I finally was able to go flying, I made sure that we went early.
Too bad I didn't go ay earlier as I could have had a little more
relief. I made reservations from 9 AM - 11 AM and by the time we got
through a couple of squawks, we finally were able to get in the air
about 9:40 AM. The wind was light and I couldn't see a cloud anywhere.

Since I needed to get back in the saddle, I needed to work on my
landings. So we stayed in the pattern with a Kingair doing touch and
goes. Finally I asked Richard if we could go to Rockwall to do some
T&Gs. Rockwall's runway is only 3,373 X 45 feet with a 30 foot
obstruction on the North end (Power lines). On top of that, the runway
has a crown in the center so when you flare, you have to flare uphill.
So it make for a good place to practice your short field landings over
an obstacle. I actually did a soft field over an obstacle because I
was feeling so good.

After that we went back to McKinney and we number 6 to land. I had to extend my downwind all the way to the outer marker because of all of the traffic.

I need to go some more but I am still swamped at work and it is hard
to balance work, family, workouts and flying. I'll keep looking for a
way to make it happen.

My E-Logbook