Recently we have had nothing but lousy weather. This weekend has proved to be nothing short of spectacular. I had 2 hours reserved on Sunday for some ground reference work. I left early to be at the airport on time but as soon as I got there, I realized that I left my log book and medical certificate at home. I won't fly unless I'm legal so I called home to ask the wife if she could bring me my logbook and medical certificate. While I waited, I talked to some of the other instructors about my new role with the flying club and what they wanted out of their flying club. It was good to know how everyone felt and what I needed to do to keep the general membership happy.
My wife finally arrived with my daughter in tow and I took them down to the airplane for preflight. Once we got our preflight done, my wife and daughter went back to the FBO and watched me taxi and takeoff. I flew southeast for a little while then went south to do some work of turns about a point. After I did that for a while, I flew over the park where my wife and daughter were playing. I wagged my wings and went back to doing some S turns. It was a little bumpy but not too bad so I continued my practice exercises and even flew over the park again.
Since I was just off of the south end of the runway and we were landing to the north, I got a straight in approach to runway 35. I did my impression of a landing, taxied back to parking and shut it down. All in all, a beautiful day to fly. Looks like my next flight is going to be a long cross country on 3/8. Weather permitting and if everything else works out, I'll get that out of the way. I can't wait.
My E-Logbook
Song Of The Day
8 years ago
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