I went flying today to get some of the bugs out. I went and did some touch and goes to get used to flying solo again. I feel like I am regressing but after about an hour of T&Gs, I felt great. I finally had some wind to play with and it was a decent 10 knot, slightly off the runway wind. Too bad I didn't have any more time because I wanted to go do some ground reference maneuvers. So I reluctantly told the tower that after 8 T&Gs I would make this one a full stop landing. My last 3 landings were some of the best I have ever done. I came in so slow and smooth that I was beginning to think that someone else was flying. If Richard ever gets to read this, I even was using my feet a lot too (only a couple of times when I got a little crosswind).
Sorry that I don't have more to post but at this stage of my training, I need to finish getting the basics mastered, do another cross country, fly 3 hours at night (with a cross country) and get 3 hours under the hood then I should be ready for my check ride.
My E-logbook
Song Of The Day
8 years ago
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