I finally got back in an airplane on Saturday. I was supposed to go on a cross country but I didn't have time to get with my instructor to adequately plan it. So I didn't get a sign off to fly the cross country but I did go and do some touch and goes just to get the cobwebs cleaned.

I couldn't have asked for a better day (actually I could have but I won't complain). It was in the 60's, not a cloud in the sky and the winds were almost non existent. This is more of a problem than I would have figured. Without any wind, I was carrying just a little more ground speed that I usually do. On my last cross country, when I landed in McKinney, I had about a 10 - 15 knot headwind and when I touched down, my ground speed was so slow that I had to add power to get off of the runway on to the taxiway. That was not the case this time. Several other little small things changed without any wind. I flared just a touch high and didn't get the sink I was used to so I dropped harder than I wanted on my last 2 landings. I knew I was going to have a bumpy landing when I heard the stall warning go off about 3 feet of of the ground. After my 5th landing I asked for a full stop landing and taxied to parking. I did notice that the tower has changed the way they tell us to taxi. When I requested taxi instructions for take off, I got "Cleared to taxi to runway 17 via taxiway alpha." We used to get "Cleared to taxi runway 17." It seems that the FAA wants the taxi instructions to be very clear.
One nice note was that after 5 months, we finally got our damaged 172 back in the air. N737TY is finally flying once again. It has to have 10 hours put on it without touch and goes to get everything seated and then the oil gets changed and can be put back into "full" service. Here is a shot of the first takeoff as a rented airplane.

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