Our flying club had the great pleasure of getting to try out a new airplane today. The way the story goes is that I was reading my AOPA Flight Training magazine and came across an article about places to train for the sport pilot rating. The sport pilot rating is a more restrictive license than a private pilot but has some other advantages that offset the restrictions. In the article they named the US Flight Academy in Denton Texas as a place that offered an accelerated course in the sport pilot rating. I had a weekend off (Hard to believe, huh?) and drove up to Denton to check out the facility. While there I was able to sit in one of their Remos G3 light sport aircraft. The weight restrictions for a LSA are that the gross weight cannot exceed 1320 lbs. Our Cessna 150's are a lot heavier than that and have a smaller usable weight than the Remos G3 does. They claim to have a 695 lb usable weight where our C150s have about 470 lb usable weight. When you are as big as I am, an extra 225 lbs goes a long way. If you do the weight and balance on a C150 for me and my instructor, we can put about 5.5 lbs of fuel in and be at gross weight. The Remos can not only take both of us and a full tank but it leaves us over 125 lbs for other stuff.
We gave away a couple of demo rides to club members and both of the lucky winners are still raving about everything from how fast it climbs to the view from the cockpit. I was lucky enough to get one of the rides and I'll be making a trip to Denton soon myself. Below are some pictures from today.

My E-Logbook
Hey there,
I am finishing up my first semester of college at UNT and am planning on getting my PPL in the summer. I am debating between the 150 and the G3 and was interested in maybe seeing a review of the Remos G3 as well as cockpit pictures and a review of the cockpit layout
The G3 is awesome for a LSA. The guys at the US Flight Academy have a Remos or two in their fleet and they are in your back yard. Go check them out.
I like going to KDTO but they don't have radar in their tower. With all of the flight training going on there, be careful and watch out for traffic because the controllers can't see what is going on. KDTO usually has cheap fuel too.
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